I can't begin to tell you how amazing our trip to visit Elissa, Mike and the 3 boys!! So fun to have Elissa meet little Noah and watch the 4 boys interact.
So from the beginning...our flight out was great! Delta moved the person next to me up to first class allowing me to bring the car seat on the plane and have extra space for us! Noah did well but didn't want to sleep at all so once we got to VA he had a hard time getting a full night sleep that night. That didn't last long because once Noah woke up the boys made him real tired! So tired in fact, that every night that followed he only woke up once! So awesome! Going from up every 1.5 to 2.5 hrs a night to sleeping for 7 hours at a time. Josh and I appreciated every moment of his sleep.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were so fun. We went grocery shopping, walking along the beach, trips to target for diapers and formula etc., and all with 4 boys! Such an adventure!
(The week before we left I stopped by the doctors office to have Noah checked out for his reflux and we decided to start him on a little cereal (1 tbsp per 4 oz of liquid) and what a difference I have seen! )
Josh flew out on Thursday night and I was so excited for him to get here! And Noah loved seeing him.
It was also so nice to spend time with Michael. It brought back such wonderful memories of high school. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and influences in my life and Noah's.
We all enjoyed looking on Pinterest for recipes and cooking together as well as some crafts. We also did many photo shoots of Noah (his 3 month pictures) and both families Christmas pictures.
Logan was so sweet and loving to Noah and so heart warming to see. So many kisses and hugs and tender touches.
I was able to go to MOPS with Elissa (now I want to join one), we went to church, out to eat a bunch created so many new memories! I cant begin to explain how amazing my sister is! I am so excited for our next visit.
Our flight home was perfect...even though we woke up at 4am. Noah slept over half of the flight and was so happy to be home! But we weren't ready for the 27 degree weather - it was 80 degrees the day before we left.
Here are some pictures of our time out there!
Family! |
The little men hanging out! |
Sleeping in Auntie's arms |
He loved Everett splashing him |
Bath time with the boys! |
My stud! |
Our little family! |
Now we are home and cleaning our house like crazy because Joshua's family is coming over for Thanksgiving meal on Saturday.